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The Essential 10-Step Guide to Amazon Keyword Research

Learn How to Leverage the Power of Amazon Keyword Research to Win the Buy Box and Skyrocket Your eCommerce Sales

  • March 8, 2024
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  • CANOPY Management
A dramatic imagined view of heaven with an Amazon building at the center and fields of words in the foreground

For entrepreneurs, finding new ways to stand out on Amazon’s crowded marketplace has been an ongoing challenge. With millions of sellers vying for the attention of consumers, the battle to capture and retain customer interest has never been more intense. 

That’s why it might be hard to believe that the heart of this battle is often focused on just a few simple words. 


Creating a powerful Amazon keyword research strategy is not just about how to find keywords. It means unlocking the secrets of customer search behavior, understanding the language of your potential buyers, and positioning your products where they can be easily discovered. 

It’s a blend of art and science, requiring a deep dive into data, trends, and the ever-changing dynamics of the Amazon ecosystem.

This 10-step guide is designed for both new and experienced sellers on Amazon’s platform who aim to master the intricacies of keyword research.

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1. Understand Your Product and Target Audience

Understanding both your product AND target audience forms the cornerstone of any successful Amazon keyword research strategy. 

What makes your product unique? What are its advantages over competitors? Each feature, benefit, and solution your product offers can lead to a set of keywords that potential buyers might use when searching for items like yours on Amazon.

To begin, conduct a thorough analysis of your product.

How does it make the user’s life easier or better? What pain points does it address? This exercise will help you articulate your product’s value proposition clearly.

Next, turn your focus to WHO will be buying your product.

Start by putting a face on your prospective buyer. Creating buyer personas can be incredibly beneficial here. A buyer persona is a profile of your ideal customer, based on research and information about your current customers. 

Consider demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals. Being specific helps you find the right keywords for your customers’ searches. Tailor your research to match their language and queries.

You Need to Align Your Language

Understanding your target audience also means knowing how they speak about your product details  and the problems it solves. This alignment is crucial for keyword relevance. 

For instance, if your product is a high-tech, eco-friendly water bottle, your target audience might be environmentally conscious consumers, outdoor enthusiasts, or health and wellness advocates. The keywords they use might include terms like “sustainable water bottle,” “BPA-free water bottle,” or “water bottle for hiking.”

By aligning your product’s characteristics with the needs and desires of your target audience, you’ll be able to identify a set of highly relevant keywords. Use keywords that appeal to your buyers to help them find your products on Amazon among many others. 

This step helps you plan your keyword research to boost visibility and sales on the platform by targeting specific keywords.

A stylized image of a potted plant on a wooden table that is growing keys i and leaves

2. Identify Seed Keywords

Finding seed keywords is the first step in creating an Amazon keyword strategy that reaches your target customers effectively. These initial keywords are broad terms that closely relate to your product’s main category or function. 

These keywords are the starting point for finding more specific words that shoppers are searching for.

What are Seed Keywords?

Consider seed keywords as the initial, broad strokes that outline the primary landscape of your product market on Amazon. If you sell natural skincare products, your main keywords could be “natural skincare,” “organic face cream,” or “eco-friendly skincare.” 

These terms generate a lot of Amazon search volume, yet closely aligned with the core offering of your product. Seed keywords allow you to cast a wide net in the initial phase of your research.

Why Start With Seed Keywords? 

The beauty of starting with seed keywords lies in their ability to open doors to a wide range of related terms and phrases. By analyzing these broad terms, you can uncover variations, synonyms, and related phrases that potential customers might use. 

This exploration leads to a more diverse set of keywords that encompasses a broad spectrum of customer search behavior.

To identify effective seed keywords, ask yourself the following questions:

At this stage, the goal is to establish a strong foundation, not to narrow down your focus. Tools like Amazon’s autocomplete feature, competitor analysis, and keyword research can help you find more seed keywords.

A stylized image of an internet autocomplete feature

3. Take Advantage of Amazon Autocomplete

If you want to find top Amazon keywords, why not use one of the most powerful free tools that Amazon itself has built? 

Utilizing Amazon’s Autocomplete feature is like tapping directly into the collective mind of Amazon’s massive customer base. When you type your seed keywords into the Amazon search bar, the platform automatically suggests additional keywords and phrases. It will also give you a very good idea of the terms search volume on Amazon.

These suggestions are not random. They are based on real searches done by Amazon users. This can help you find long-tail keywords that are relevant to your product.

To make the most out of Amazon’s Autocomplete:

By carefully looking at and organizing these autocomplete suggestions, you can create a better keyword plan for your website. This strategy will not only help you understand what your potential customers are looking for but also allow you to tailor your product listings to meet those specific searches.

A stylized image of a bunch of people and technology as well as the Amazon logo

4. Check Competitor Listings

Analyzing the listings of top competitors on Amazon is another strategic move to refine your keyword strategy and improve your product’s visibility. Analyze competitors’ titles, bullet points, and product descriptions to learn which keywords are effective in your industry. This helps improve your own content. 

This process involves uncovering the factors that help them rank high and engage customers effectively.

When focusing on competitor listings, take a very close look at the following attributes:

Amazon Product Titles

Note the structure and phrasing used in the titles. Competitors often place the most valuable keywords at the beginning of the title to capture both customer attention and search algorithm favorability.

Amazon Bullet Points

Bullet points are prime real estate for keywords on Amazon. They very clearly highlight features and benefits, and incorporate specific terms that potential buyers might use to search for products. Analyze how competitors naturally integrate keywords while emphasizing their product’s unique selling points.

Amazon Product Descriptions

Detailed product descriptions give competitors more opportunities to include extra keywords that may not fit in titles or bullet points. Look for thematic keywords, descriptive phrases, and problem-solving terms that resonate with target customers.

Additionally, pay attention to:

Customer Questions & Answers

This section can reveal indirect keywords or phrases that customers use when inquiring about aspects of the product. It offers a direct line to customer concerns and the specific language they use.


Customer reviews can be a goldmine for keywords, especially when it comes to describing the product in everyday language, pointing out its benefits, and how it compares to expectations. Keywords found here are particularly valuable because they reflect genuine customer experiences and satisfaction drivers.

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5. Best Amazon Keyword Research Tools

To further refine your keyword research, take advantage of specialized Amazon keyword tools. These tools provide valuable insights into search volume, competition levels, and keyword relevance. They can help you discover new relevant keywords you may have overlooked and analyze historical data and trends to inform your strategy. 

When it comes to finding the best Amazon keywords, there are several powerful tools available. Here are three tools that can help you identify top keywords for Amazon.

Jungle Scout 

Jungle Scout is one of the most popular and comprehensive Amazon keyword search tools on the market. With its user-friendly interface and extensive features, Jungle Scout makes it easy to discover high-performing keywords for your product listings.

Key features:

Helium 10 

Helium 10 offers a number of tools for researching Amazon keywords. It has many features to improve your product listings and increase your visibility.

Key features:

Merchant Words 

Merchant Words is a dedicated Amazon keyword research tool that focuses on providing accurate search volume data and keyword insights.

Key features:

When using these tools, start by entering your primary keyword or a competitor’s ASIN to generate a list of relevant search terms. Analyze the provided metrics, such as search volume and competition levels, to prioritize the keywords with the highest potential. Consider the relevance of each keyword to your product and target audience, and incorporate them naturally into your product title, bullet points, and description.

Remember, while these tools provide valuable insights, they should be used in conjunction with your own understanding of your product and market. After all, you will know your product best.

Regularly monitor and refine your keyword strategy based on performance data and market trends to ensure ongoing success.

A dramatic valley with a stylized green winding path snaking through it

6. Incorporate Long-Tail Keywords

Incorporating long-tail keywords into your Amazon product listings is a critical step and will not just help your product show up in more relevant searches, they also attract more targeted, ready-to-buy audiences.

At the same time, these keywords, typically longer phrases that are very specific to what you’re selling are less competitive than more generic, short-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords allow you to capture the attention of shoppers who know exactly what they want. For example, instead of targeting “yoga mats,” a highly competitive keyword, you could target “eco-friendly non-slip yoga mat for hot yoga.” That search term is far more likely to have fewer competing products and attract shoppers who are looking for that exact product. 

This specificity makes your product a perfect match for their search, increasing the likelihood of a purchase.

Long-tail keywords also tend to reflect a user’s position further down the purchase funnel. While someone searching a broad term may be in the early stages of research, a shopper using a specific long-tail term is likely closer to making a buying decision. By optimizing for these keywords, you’re not just aiming for higher visibility; you’re targeting visibility to the right kind of buyer – one with a higher intent to purchase.

To effectively incorporate long-tail keywords into your listings:

Research and Identify

Use a keyword research tool to identify long-tail keywords with sufficient search volume and low competition. Look for phrases that precisely describe your product’s features, benefits, and uses.

Optimize Listing Elements

Integrate these keywords into your product title, bullet points, and description in a natural and readable manner. Ensure that the inclusion of these keywords does not detract from the quality and clarity of your content.

Monitor Performance

Keep an eye on the performance of your listings after incorporating long-tail keywords. Tools that track keyword rankings and sales data can help you understand which keywords are contributing to increased traffic and conversions.

A stylized image of a golden balance type scale against a blue background. The balance is weighing assorted keys

7. Analyze Keyword Relevance

Analyzing the relevance of your chosen keywords to your product is a critical Amazon SEO step that cannot be overstated. Adding highly relevant keywords ensures that your product is discovered by the right audience, thereby enhancing the likelihood of conversions. 

Using irrelevant keywords might temporarily increase traffic but will almost certainly lead to poor conversion rates. It’s also going to create a poor experience for the shopper, increasingly a determining factor on Amazon’s algorithmic adjustments. 

Keywords must accurately reflect what you are selling. Every keyword associated with your product listing should directly relate to the item’s features, benefits, or use cases. This relevance is crucial not only for ranking purposes but also for meeting customer expectations. 

When customers click on your product listing, they have certain expectations based on the keywords they searched. If your product does not match these expectations because of irrelevant keywords, it results in dissatisfaction, poor reviews, and ultimately harms your brand reputation on Amazon.

A stylized image of four different paths each leading to a different ecommerce destination

8. Consider Search Intent

Search intent refers to the underlying goal a user has when typing a query into a search engine. Understanding whether customers are seeking information, comparing different products, or are ready to make a purchase can significantly influence the effectiveness of your keyword strategy.

Informational Intent

Some searches are performed by users looking for information. For example, a customer might search for “best yoga mats for beginners” to gather knowledge before making a decision. For these types of searches, focus on keywords that position your product as a solution within informative content in your listing or a related blog post hosted on your Amazon storefront.

Comparative Intent

At this stage, customers are comparing options between different products. Searches might include terms like “yoga mat vs. exercise mat” or “thick yoga mat reviews.” Tailoring your keywords to include comparative phrases can help capture the attention of customers who are closer to making a purchase but are evaluating their options.

Transactional Intent

This intent signifies that a customer is ready to buy. Searches are likely to be product-specific and may include terms like “buy eco-friendly yoga mat online” or “discount on thick yoga mats.” Use transactional keywords in product titles and bullet points to attract shoppers with high intent to buy.

To effectively tailor your keyword strategy to match search intent, you should:

A stylized view of a spotlight shining down on a brown Amazon cardboard box

9. Optimize Your Amazon Listing

It should go without saying, but for Amazon sellers, nothing is more important than listing optimization.

To improve visibility on Amazon and attract the right audience, include the chosen keywords in every part of your listing. Make sure the keywords are present in the title, bullet points, product description, and backend search terms.

This will help your product show up in relevant searches and increase the chances of reaching your target customers. By optimizing your listing with the right keywords, you can improve your overall visibility and sales on Amazon. 

A balanced approach to keyword integration involves strategically placing keywords in your product title, bullet points, description, and backend search terms. This ensures that your listing is not only discoverable but also appealing to potential buyers.

The title is the most crucial part of your listing for keywords. It’s the first thing customers see. Your title should include the most important keywords that accurately describe your product, such as brand, product type, key features, and benefits. 

Utilize bullet points to highlight the key features and benefits of your product, integrating keywords in a way that feels natural and informative. This section is not just for SEO; it’s also where potential buyers look to understand what sets your product apart. 

The description offers more space to expand on your product’s features, tell your brand’s story, and include additional keywords. Use this area to weave in keywords organically while focusing on providing valuable information to the customer. 

Amazon has a special section for sellers to add keywords that don’t fit in the main product listing. It helps improve search results. These backend search terms are invisible to shoppers but are indexed by Amazon’s search algorithm. Use this space to include synonyms, alternate spellings, and related keywords that you couldn’t fit into the title, bullets, or description.

Don’t keyword stuff! If you wouldn’t put it in the front end of your listing, don’t try to hide it in the backend.

A stylized view of the profile of a man looking through a telescope out at the sea with the sun setting on the horizon

10. Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy

Amazon’s search trends and consumer behaviors can shift due to various factors, including seasonality, market demands, and emerging competitors. To ensure your products continue to rank well and meet sales objectives, it’s crucial to keep a pulse on how your keywords are performing and make strategic adjustments as necessary.

Set a schedule to regularly analyze your keyword performance. This involves checking your product’s search ranking for targeted keywords, tracking sales data, and monitoring click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates for your listings. Tools provided by Amazon, like Brand Analytics, or third-party software, can offer valuable insights into these metrics.

Stay informed about changes in consumer search behavior and market trends. Use keyword research tools to identify emerging keywords or phrases that can help you capture new search traffic. Incorporating trending keywords into your listings can improve visibility and attract more potential buyers.

Use the data gathered from your performance reviews to refine your keyword strategy. This could mean replacing weak keywords with stronger ones. It could also involve updating listings to highlight features or benefits that customers care about. Additionally, products may need to be adjusted to better meet market demands.

Consider A/B testing different elements of your listings, such as titles, bullet points, or images, to see how slight changes can impact your search visibility and conversion rates. Testing allows you to make informed decisions based on actual customer responses to your optimizations.

How Canopy Management Can Help

Mastering the art of keyword research on Amazon is more than a strategy—it’s the cornerstone of achieving visibility and driving sales in the highly competitive online marketplace.

Success on Amazon isn’t just about having the best products; it’s about making sure they’re seen by the right people at the right time. If you’d like to stand on the shoulders of giants, reach out to the pros at Canopy Management.

With an 84% average year-over-year profit growth for our partners, over 2 billion dollars managed, and a 99.1% partner retention rate, Canopy is the quiet force behind some of the most successful sellers on Amazon.

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