Forbes Features CANOPY Management CEO Brian Burt’s Amazon Success Secrets

Forbes, one of the leading business magazines for entrepreneurs and business leaders across all sectors, featured CANOPY Management’s very own co-founder and CEO, Brian Burt, in an article in which Burt shares his foolproof Amazon success secrets that every third-party seller should know.

“The Pandemic Has Been a Boom Time for Amazon Agency Canopy,” written by Forbes contributor Todd Wasserman, highlights CANOPY’s strategies that the company leverages on behalf of its clients, along with Burt’s expertise of the Amazon ecosphere. CANOPY’s CEO also offered hidden insights about the platform that many third-party sellers are unaware of.
“Fun fact: Most sellers actually spend more on paid advertising within the Amazon ecosphere than they do on product cost, shipping, packaging, and all the other Amazon fees combined,” Burt revealed.
He went on to explain that Canopy’s strategies, including “good imagery, engaging copy, and competitive pricing,” helped clients like Rocket Pure increase their conversion rate to 72.8%, with a 31% increase in sales revenues over a three-month period — even after lowering prices.
You can read the rest of Brian’s Forbes feature here: