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Lightning Strikes Again (and Again) as Canopy’s Clients Break Consecutive Sales Records

Some Agencies Reach a Threshold Where Their Tricks Cannot Scale. CANOPY's Repeatable Systems Have Helped Create Over Half a Billion in Sales!

  • August 3, 2022
  • /
  • Brian Burt
lightning striking the ocean at night

When it comes to online commerce, Amazon is the uncontested leader. Even though it had to raise the price of Prime membership to do it, and despite the recent slowdown in ecommerce business, Amazon recently claimed that its revenues were up 7% to $121.2 billion dollars. 

After its rather pedestrian origin as an online bookseller, the company has been an overachiever ever since and now has over 2.45 billion monthly visits to its app and website. 

CANOPY Management is (More Than) Keeping Pace with Amazon

In the first quarter of 2022, CANOPY Management’s partners collectively achieved the highest sales figures in their history. In the second quarter, the same thing happened. Which is to say that our partner’s second quarter was BETTER than an already superlative first quarter. For CANOPY’s partners, July 2022 was the cherry on top. Collectively July was the best single month in our partners’ history .

“Over Half a Billion Dollars in Managed Sales! “

Drilling down into this incredible string of successes, our partners’ first quarter average growth was 114%, the second quarter was 89% and in July, singular partner growth was 70% year over year! 


Even though 2022 lacked last year’s June Prime Day boost, this year CANOPY Management still grew our partners’ accounts 88% year-over-year.

More importantly, the average growth figure of 114% in the first quarter was surpassed by an even more powerful metric. In the same quarter, organic sales topped that figure of 114% with an incredible 145%. Same thing in the second quarter. The organic sales of 99% topped the overall average of 89%. When organic sales outpace the overall sales figures, that means that CANOPY is helping increase the brand’s overall profitability. CANOPY’s strategic approach builds sales momentum and at the same time, stimulates overall brand growth. 

Producing “Sticky” Growth for Our Partners

As an Amazon seller, this is the kind of “sticky” growth that has a very high likelihood of producing repeatable, replicable results. That’s exactly what you’re looking for! After all, organic sales don’t cost ecommerce sellers a single penny.

“Instead of throwing (your) money at the problem, CANOPY’s PPC experts will strengthen your brand’s viability as an Amazon business. “

This shows that CANOPY’s PPC experts are “managing” the paid advertising, not throwing (your) money at the problem. Instead of (figuratively) dropping PPC dollars out of a helicopter in hopes of temporarily increasing Amazon sales, with this kind of organic sales growth, CANOPY is strengthening our partners’ viability as ecommerce brands. 

Not only are our partners’ sales increasing, CANOPY Management’s footprint is expanding at the same time. In 2022 CANOPY has already achieved a 25% year-over-year increase in marketplace growth. During the last 18 months, CANOPY has grown the number of Amazon brands that we manage over 50% and our ability to produce great results for our partners has only improved.

“Some agencies’ tricks cannot scale past a certain point. CANOPY Management has developed repeatable systems that generate unmatched rates of organic growth for our partners. “

Tricks are for Kids, Not Amazon Sellers 

That’s important because some agencies reach a threshold where their tricks cannot scale past a certain point. CANOPY Management has developed repeatable systems and processes that allow us to have triple the success with 150 Amazon brands that some agencies struggle to achieve with four. 

If you’re looking to get more from your Amazon PPC efforts, hiring an expert is your best bet. An Amazon advertising agency will work with you to optimize your ad campaigns, decrease your advertising cost of sales (ACoS), and increase your ROI-all while taking advantage of Amazon’s highly-effective advertising services.

When you’re selling on Amazon, you can’t afford to not be using some form of Amazon advertising management.

CANOPY Management can help you to build an effective strategy that aligns with your unique business needs. We’ll help you get more from your Amazon advertising so you can do more for your business.

CANOPY Management is Here to Help

CANOPY Management is a “full service” marketing agency for Amazon sellers, and our team consists of former Amazonians, multi-million dollar sellers, and award-winning experts. When you consider the ways in which CANOPY Management is able to help you grow your Amazon business, you’ll know why.

Are you looking to expand your income stream, or transition away from your primary career? It’s a new year and with the growth of eCommerce, now is a great time to reap some benefits yourself!

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