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What Amazon’s Explosive NEW Marketing Stream Means for Sellers!

This Innovative Release has Changed What’s Possible for Amazon Sellers. Find Out How the New Data Can Help You Level Up Your Advertising!

  • August 29, 2022
  • /
  • Brian R. Johnson

I was doing a little keyword research earlier this week and happened to notice that “dayparting” was spiking in terms of the amount of volume on Google. 

You might remember that word from last year when it was the subject of a lot of conversations in meetups and Amazon sellers conferences. Ultimately, the topic of dayparting slid back into relative obscurity. At least until Amazon made a recent announcement. 

But first . . .

What is Dayparting?

Dayparting is the strategy of distributing or scheduling your ad budget for certain times of the day in order to achieve better results (think higher RoAS/lower ACoS). It’s long been understood that buyer behavior varies dramatically throughout the course of the day. Why not adjust your marketing strategy to match it? 

Google’s Ad platform has for some time now, allowed advertisers to closely monitor their KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) hourly, 24 hours a day. 

Now that Amazon has made that same data available . . . 

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What is Amazon Marketing Stream?

Dayparting is back in a big way and is now rocketing up Google’s keyword rankings due to the fact that Amazon has recently launched Amazon Marketing Stream (Beta). 

Amazon Marketing Stream (Beta), is an Amazon product that delivers Amazon Ads campaign metrics and information to advertisers’ or integrators’ AWS accounts via a push-based model in near real-time. 

You can subscribe to campaign data sets available on Amazon Marketing Stream using your existing Amazon Ads API token and by providing your AWS account details. Once subscribed, Amazon Marketing Stream will deliver hourly performance metrics, with details such as targeting expression performance by placement and budget consumption messages in near real-time. 

(Amazon says that “other campaign data sets will be available for subscription in the coming months.”

These new insights are going to streamline Amazon PPC management. They will help open the door to data-driven intra-day (or, dayparting) optimization and bidding strategies for Amazon PPC campaigns.

Almost overnight, this innovative release makes visible the data that fuels Amazon dayparting strategies. 

Why Is This Big News for Amazon Sellers? 

Having access to Amazon’s data allows you to stand on the online marketplace giant’s shoulders to see farther into your ecommerce future. This is the kind of data that at the very same time, saves you money and helps you to optimize your Amazon PPC management. 

Where is Amazon Marketing Stream Available?

Who Can Use It?

How Do I Access It?

How CANOPY Management’s Amazon Ad Pros Can Help

One of the best and worst things about all this new access to technology is how quickly everything is moving. Whether it’s a new Tesla automobile, or a tool for advertising on Amazon, the level of knowledge and experience required to use it properly has risen just as dramatically. 

Shade-tree mechanics used to be able to work on their own cars in the driveway. Now, the idea of making a small repair to your EV (Electric Vehicle) is more suited to someone who spent their postgraduate years studying mechanical engineering at MIT or Stanford. 

Similarly, these recent advances in data transparency has made it possible for Amazon sellers to “lift the hood” of their Amazon PPC advertising

Unfortunately, the following screenshot shows you the first thing that you will see on an Amazon Marketing Stream onboarding page. 

That’s not a Chevy we’re looking at. It’s one more reason why reaching out to an Amazon PPC Agency expert at CANOPY Management has become the first step for increasing numbers of e-commerce sellers looking to get to the next level. 

CANOPY Management is a full-service marketing agency for Amazon sellers. Our team consists of former Amazonians, multi-million dollar sellers, and award-winning experts. When you consider the many ways that CANOPY Management can help you grow your business, you’ll see why selling on Amazon is much easier “under the Canopy”:

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