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How to Sustain Your Prime Day Momentum – Essential Steps for Amazon Sellers

Don’t let your Amazon Prime Day be a one-off success. Here’s how to build customer satisfaction and drive consistent growth throughout the year.

  • July 22, 2024
  • /
  • Patrick Donelan
Amazon sellers represented by snails on a starting line, with one jackrabbit racing ahead of the snails.

As an Amazon seller, Prime Day is one of the most critical events on your calendar. However, much of an online sellers’ work begins AFTER the event concludes. At Canopy Management, we specialize in helping sellers thrive not just during Prime Day, but every single day of the year. 

You’ve put in a lot of effort to make sure that Prime Day was a big one for your brand. Canopy’s industry-leading team of Amazon experts provides the comprehensive support – from optimizing your listings to creating innovative advertising campaigns – to make sure that you can keep that momentum going forward.

Now that Amazon Prime Day is finished, here are eight strategies to keep your sales heading up and to the right.

Analyze Prime Day Performance

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure” is a quote that speaks to the importance of strategic data acquisition. Prime Day is one of the most significant events for Amazon sellers. The days following Prime Day offer an unrivaled opportunity to collect and study a wealth of data. Prime Day metrics are a crucial element in your understanding of what worked, what didn’t, and how to improve for future events.

Review Sales Data and Metrics

Start by taking a deep dive into your sales data. Closely examine metrics such as total sales, units sold, average order value, and conversion rates. Look for patterns and trends that can give you insights into your overall performance.

Compare Results to Previous Years and Expectations

Benchmark this year’s results against previous Prime Days and your pre-event calculations. This comparison helps you to identify growth trends, market shifts, and areas that need attention.

Identify Top-Performing Products and Categories

Highlight the products and categories that performed exceptionally well. Understanding which items drove the most sales can help you focus your efforts on these high-demand products in the future.

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Assess Your Inventory 

It’s been a whirlwind 72 hours. Post-Prime Day inventory management is critical to maintain momentum and prevent stock outs or overstock situations.

Assess Remaining Stock Levels

Conduct a thorough inventory assessment to understand your current stock levels. Identify any products that are running low and those that have surplus stock.

Reorder Popular Items to Maintain Inventory

For the top-selling items, place reorders promptly to ensure you can meet ongoing demand. This is particularly important for products that continue to have high sales velocity post-Prime Day.

Consider Liquidating Slow-Moving Products

Identify slow-moving or unsold inventory from Prime Day. Consider strategies like discounts, promotions, or bundling to liquidate these products and free up warehouse space.

an Amazon seller wearing a toolbelt with an SEO shirt

Optimize Your Amazon Listings

Now is an excellent time to level up your Amazon search engine optimization (or SEO). By optimizing your product listings – based on the feedback and performance data gathered during the Prime Day event – you can rank higher in search results and better connect with shoppers.

Update Product Descriptions Based on Customer Feedback

Review customer reviews and feedback received during Prime Day. Update your product descriptions to address common questions, highlight key features, and improve clarity.

Refresh Images and A+ Content if Applicable

Ensure your product images and A+ content are up to date and appealing. Over the last year, high-quality visuals continue to increase in importance as Amazon conversion rate levers.

Adjust Pricing Strategy for Post-Prime Day Market

Re-evaluate your pricing strategy based on post-Prime Day market conditions. Consider competitive pricing, demand trends, and profit margins when making adjustments.

Follow Up with Customers

Building strong customer relationships is essential for long-term success. Post-Prime Day is an ideal time to engage with your Amazon customers.

Analyze Customer Behavior and Preferences During Prime Day

Examine your customers’ behavior and preferences to understand what drives purchases. Use this information to refine your Amazon product catalog and marketing messages. Tailoring your approach based on customer preferences will lead to better results.

Consider Conducting Post-Purchase Surveys for Additional Feedback

Post-purchase surveys can provide valuable feedback on customer satisfaction and areas for improvement. Use these insights to level up your overall customer experience.

Respond to Customer Questions and Reviews Promptly

Shoppers that just spent their money do not want to wait for answers. Address any customer inquiries and reviews quickly and professionally. Timely responses can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Offering excellent customer service can quickly turn a negative experience into a positive one.

An Amazon seller shooting an arrow with a bow, viewed from behind, with a distance of at least 20 feet to the target

Retarget Prime Day Shoppers

Prime Day shoppers who didn’t make a purchase or need a little nudge can still be converted into customers through retargeting efforts.

Use Sponsored Display Ads to Reach Previous Viewers

Leverage Sponsored Display Ads to target customers who viewed your products but didn’t purchase. These ads can remind would-be buyers of your offerings and encourage a purchase. Set up retargeting campaigns aimed at Prime Day visitors who didn’t buy.

Keep the excitement going by offering post-Prime Day promotions. Limited-time deals can help maintain sales momentum and attract customers who missed out on Prime Day.

Analyze Competitor Strategies

You probably weren’t the only one making a lot of sales in your Amazon niche. Understanding your competitors’ strategies can provide valuable insights and help you refine your approach.

Study Successful Competitor Tactics During Prime Day

Analyze the tactics used by successful competitors. Look at their pricing, promotions, product offerings, and marketing strategies.

Identify Areas for Improvement in Your Own Strategy

Use competitor insights to identify areas where you can improve. Whether it’s pricing adjustments, better marketing, or product enhancements, learning from others can be beneficial.

Consider New Product Opportunities Based on Market Trends

Identify market trends and potential new product opportunities based on competitor analysis and Prime Day performance.

Plan for Future Sales Events

What you’ve learned from Prime Day can easily be applied to future sales events to ensure continued success, particularly when the impressions are fresh. 

Use the insights gained from Prime Day to plan for other major shopping events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Adjust your strategies based on what worked and what didn’t.

Start Preparing Early for Next Year’s Prime Day

If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs, you probably started planning for Prime Day a little later than you would have liked. Early preparation is key to success. Begin planning for next year’s Prime Day well in advance to ensure you’re ready to capitalize on the opportunity.

Set Goals and Strategies for the Rest of the Year

Define clear goals and strategies for the remainder of the year. Focus on maintaining growth and leveraging the momentum from Prime Day.

A landscape mode image of a town with a series of large amazon billboards

Amazon Advertising is a Difference Maker

This is a big one, and a separator between Amazon sellers heading up and to the right, and those ecommerce sellers just hanging on. Post-Prime Day is a great time to reassess and refine your advertising strategies.

Adjust Advertising Budgets Based on Prime Day Performance

You’ve worked hard to get your top-selling products to the top of the page. Make sure that they remain visible by continuing to invest in advertising. Evaluate your Prime Day advertising performance and adjust your budgets accordingly. Increase spending on high-performing campaigns and consider reducing spend on underperforming ones. Sustaining visibility can help maintain sales momentum.

Test New Ad Formats or Targeting Options

Experiment with new ad formats and targeting options. Testing different approaches can help you discover more effective advertising strategies.

How Canopy Management Can Help

Prime Day may be over, but the real work for Amazon sellers is just beginning. By closely analyzing your Prime Day performance, you can turn a single-day event into long-term success. 

At Canopy Management, we’re dedicated to supporting Amazon sellers in achieving success every day of the year. It’s a big part of Canopy becoming the quiet force behind many of the top brands on Amazon. 

Don’t navigate this journey alone—partner with Canopy Management and take your Amazon business to new heights.

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Canopy Management is a full-service marketing agency for Amazon and Walmart sellers. Our team consists of former Amazonians, multi-million dollar sellers, and award-winning experts.

When you consider the many ways that Canopy Management can help you grow your business, you’ll see why selling on Amazon is much easier “under the Canopy.”

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