Award-Winning Product Photography & Video
Want to sell more? Get instant attention with our world-class photography and videography services.
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Our expert photography and videography won’t just make your product look amazing. It’s the driving force behind our best-in-class for our clients’ 38% average conversion rate increase.
Average conversion rate increase
Images so good, your product will sell itself
You get one chance at a first impression. Make it count with clean, bold visuals guaranteed to sell.
Amazon is our specialty. Besides being 100% stunning, our imagery is also 100% Amazon TOS compliant.
What could be easier? You send us product samples, we send you pure magic.
Beautiful imagery gets an excellent ROI and pays back consistent dividends over the product’s entire lifecycle
Use the slider to see how our team transforms dull listings into must-buys!
Want world-class video production for your products? Here are just a few examples of why our team has won multiple AVA awards for their stunning product videos
We believe that you should be the hero of your own story. Here’s what Canopy’s Partners have to say:
…and so do Canopy Partners. Learn more about our results below.
for Excellence in Design
and Digital Media Creation
for Excellence in Design
and Digital Media Creation
All main image photography (product size-permitting) is shot in a software-controlled camera rig called OrbitVu that automates and streamlines product photography with laser-aligned, high quality results. We photoshop & polish 2-3 main image options for you to split test to solve for the most impactful main image result.
For lifestyle photography and/or video, we align with you on the results you’re looking for. We have a number of background options as well as props to show your product in use if possible and in the best light. Our editors will polish up everything to be customer-facing and ready to roll!
Yes, absolutely! All photography and image results are 100% yours to own and we will provide source files as well if you need to make any changes down the road. Please feel free to use these assets on your website, other selling channels, social media, and wherever else you’d like!
Yes. Even though we do rely on photoshop to place your product into stock imagery, we do need a physical sample of your product to shoot in our studio.